The #25DaysOfGratitude hashtag on our LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter was the link to a fun and engaging content calendar where we shared with stakeholders, clients, and colleagues the journey of transformation that defined 2021 for us.
Through a series of articles, graphics, pictures, and videos from our Kenes experts and association teammate, we highlighted our driving values of expertise, excellence, resilience, adaptability, agility, empathy, integrity, and sustainability. The story of how the company, its leaders and employees, sorted out and managed every situation during 2021, was told day by day from December 1st until the 25th.
Below, are some bites of the journey:
- How to bring together the best of both onsite and online experience at our events? We benefitted from the expertise of our team to find out how to level-up hybrid formats: https://kenes-group.com/news/whats-the-deal-with-hybrid/
- Excellence is at the core of our mission. To deliver outstanding events in the new world framework became the compass of our exploratory steps in the audio-visual field: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLpQRKvzYhs
- With new skills acquired and transformational leadership, we remained united through the adaptation process: https://kenes-group.com/news/how-interpersonal-skills-of-transformational-leaders-drive-remarkable-results/
- Healthcare professionals collaborated with our research to identify preferences and incorporate new knowledge on the go: https://kenes-group.com/healthcare-professionals-on-virtual-events-21/
- We strengthened our risk assessment capabilities at human and financial levels to ensure remarkable outcomes: https://kenes-group.com/news/revenue-vs-engagement-at-virtual-events/
- People are our greatest asset. Job mobility and re-skilling were essential to the success of both our clients and Kenes as a company: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIfD8sCBQ-s
- It’s like this how we reached a point of readiness for the sustainability of our future: https://kenes-group.com/corporate-social-responsibility/
Several members of the Kenes family from different departments collaborated with building up the content calendar and spreading the gratitude on their social media, which resulted in remarkable engagement throughout December. One more time, thank you all.
The “25 Days of Gratitude” campaign concluded with a video from Kenes CEO, Dan Rivlin, who addressed some of the company plans and his perspective of the industry challenges to come in the year 2022:
The full gratitude calendar can be explored here: https://kenes-group.com/25-days-of-gratitude