The power of being alone
I started my brand-new role at the height of lockdowns when everything was closed, and everyone was working home-office. My training was conducted completely online. At first, it seemed rather daunting having to learn about a completely new role remotely, listening only to explanations provided over Teams meetings and having nobody sitting directly next to me to turn to for help.
I realised the benefits of learning almost completely by myself with no direct help around. I could sit in the peace and quiet of my own home, being able to dive deep into my new tasks, without any distractions office environments usually cause. Being alone allowed me to digest the situation and the new knowledge I was acquiring much deeper and much more analytically. Later, this precise experience helped me build my confidence and made me a lot more secure in my job.
The power of technology
Before the pandemic, online events were somewhat an option, but rather overlooked and not taken too seriously. Putting together online events, however, became the norm and it opened my eyes to what technology can do for people and organisations.
The crisis showed me that it is possible to work successfully in unusual circumstances such as lockdowns and isolation if you are creative and hard-working. I started seeing technology more as a partner that was there to help. For the first time, I saw clearly how the technology we enjoy nowadays empowers and opens new possibilities. I think it was an experience the industry needed to have to move forward.
Event-ing online
Another lesson I learnt well from joining the meetings industry during a pandemic was how an event is organised completely online. Now, I am grateful I got the chance to see how this works as I believe people will expect to see an online component at every event they are interested in from now on. I would dare to say that they might give up participating in an event altogether if there is no option at all to join online. I am glad I could see the creation process of virtual events.
Adapting and making the best out of anything
There is a popular saying that goes like this: “If life gives you lemons, make a lemonade”. And I couldn’t agree more. Perhaps the most important lesson I learnt is that instead of giving up when the going gets tough, furloughing staff or pausing your business altogether, you can turn the situation to your advantage and adapt to the new reality.
Adaptability might not be possible for all walks of life, but I think the events industry demonstrated a problem-solving approach.
No one can tell exactly what the future holds but educated guesses can be made. The world is slowly exiting the pandemic now and physical events are cautiously coming back. I would say people will certainly expect options to attend online, have health safety guarantees when attending.
Personally, as a young professional who joined this industry during such unprecedented times, I can’t wait to see the future lessons to be learnt. A lot will happen on many levels, and I believe the events industry will only continue to evolve and become more exciting and interesting.
Andrea Peycheva
Marketing Coordinator at Kenes Group
This article was originally published in IAPCO’s Magazine, The PCO (pg. 20 -21): https://bit.ly/3N9C211