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With a team of 20+ Information Technology (IT) professionals dedicated to research, a best-of-breed approach, and in-house development capabilities, we are constantly innovating to provide the best experience to our partners, stakeholders, event attendees, clients and employees.

Regardless of whether we broadcast an event or not, there are both people and technological tools working together in all aspects of our operations.

In-house developments, efficiency and time-saving, and technological implementations in events

Our Chief Information Officer Uzi Drori is a Top Events Professional with more than 20 years of experience and a career of 15 yers at Kenes Group.

He currently leads a team of 22 IT professionals making sure that the operations of our 350+ employees worldwide and the delivery of our association management and conference organising services are excellent, efficient, and innovative.

For him, “innovation” is about those three elements: in-house developments of tools that adapt to the uniqueness of our operations, efficiency and time-saving for our employees, and technological implementations in events.

In 2020, and in a record time of six months, our team developed VirtuOz, the online meetings platform that soon became the backbone of further developments to enhance the digital experience of the attendees and enable online education for virtual participants.

It is a fully costumisable technology that matches the needs of associations and their members, choosing the right technology mix to create the most nurturing environment for your delegates.

In the past three years, VirtuOz has received several awards from the meetings sector.

Face-recognition Private Album

Our system is using advanced Face Recognition, our cutting-edge technology ensures that every moment captured is organised as a private album that tells the participants' individual story of the congress.

AI - Abstract Submission helper

Our Abstract Submission AI It's powered by advanced machine learning algorithms that have been trained on a vast array of abstracts from various fields. This training allows the system to understand the subtle nuances that differentiate a good abstract from a great one.

Registration Kiosk

Instead of traditional manual check-ins, delegates simply approach the kiosk. Within moments, our advanced face recognition technology identifies the delegate, verifying their pre-paid status. Once recognized, the kiosk instantly prints out their name badge.