Client: International Neuromodulation Society – European Chapters (eINS)
Event: 2nd Joint Congress of the INS European Chapters
Service: In-person event; Logistics; Congress Management; Social Media Management; Content Provision; Marketing, Promotion and Video Production
To guarantee the health safety and to ensure a warm and welcoming, top of the line professional environment for delegates travelling to France during a time of highly uncertain international mobility, entailed several logistical challenges for the team at Kenes.
The eINS21 was the first international convention held at the legendary Palais des Congrès de Paris since March 2020 and there were strict measures set in place by this venue regarding social distancing. Food serving was not allowed while the attendees were standing nor walking, which represented a shift in networking activities that traditionally take place around meals and coffee breaks.
The COVID-19 measures also involved either a max 72-hours old negative PCR test result or a European-standardised vaccination certificate to be shown every time at the entry of the venue. The use of masks was not mandatory but highly recommended.
Being the first fully in-person, intercontinental event held by Kenes in 18 months, as well as the first international congress at the venue since the first lockdowns in Paris, the team made great efforts to ensure the successful comeback of the eINS Joint Congress.
These were some of the actions carried out by Kenes and the INS:
- An extra room was reserved at the venue to provide catering services to the attendees while seated at tables.
- Finger food was offered in packed boxes.
- There were two security staff members at the entry of the venue to check vaccine passes or PCR test results and minimise the queuing time.
- Branded eINS free masks and antibacterial gel bottles were provided.
The complete scientific program developed for the eINS 2021 included members of the faculty originating from Australia, the U.S., Germany, the U.K, Denmark, Poland, Turkey, France, Canada, Belgium, New Zealand, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Switzerland.
Considering that the bans between the U.S. and Europe were not lifted until shortly before the congress, a highly unexpected 12% of the participants travelled transatlantic.
The main feeling among the attendees was one of joy and connection, constantly expressed to the Kenes team. A respectful of the distancing measures, yet meaningful and engaged interaction was the signature of the event.
“Having the smell of freshly baked croissants and feeling the buzz of the meeting and the sense of action – these are the moments that set apart virtual from in-person and we savoured every minute. In-person events touch each of us and the participants personally in a unique way.”
Ira Hajdamacha, Director Client Accounts and responsible for e-INS 2021.